Autonomous Bodies
1. Text Board Book
Text Book Board (TBB) is a statutory body under an Act and mandated to develop textbooks for school children and run by a little staff headed by Chairperson, a retired educationist reemployed on contract.
Function Of Text Book Board
- The Board Aims to Develop Textual Material for Grades I to XII for Azad Jammu & Kashmir According to Demographic, Historical, Geographical, Social, Cultural and Political Background of State of Jammu & Kashmir in the Light of New National Curriculum and Textbook Learning Material Policy 2006-07 and National Education Policy 2009.
- To Uplift the Quality of Learning and Standard of Education in AJK.
- Distribute Appropriate, Affordable and Subsidized Textbooks to Students of AJK.
- To Impart Training Programs for Evaluators, Proof Readers, Subject Specialists and Classroom Teachers.
- The TBB aims to pave the way forward for learners in formal education to have equitable access to Learning Support Materials (LSMs) to develop to their full potential in order to make a meaningful contribution to the socio-economic development of AJ&K.
2. Teachers Foundation
An autonomous body-corporate established under an Act. It is being managed under the Board of Directors, headed by Minister Education while the Grade 20 school officer is managing the Director with a secretary from the colleges. The foundation is entitled to receive education cess deducted from all the education sector employees.
Functions of the Teachers Foundation
- Welfare of teachers
- To award scholarships to the dependents of the stakeholders
- To provide a grant in case of death of any beneficiary
- To provide jobs to the retired beneficiaries
- Launch projects for the welfare of teachers
3. Elementary Boards
Board established under the Act of Legislative Assembly. This is an Autonomous Body-Corporate. The Prime Minister of AJ&K is the controlling authority. BISEs conduct secondary and higher secondary examinations for Public & Private Sector student. The Board is governed by the governing body headed by the prime minister AJK and for day to day activities executive board headed by the chairman who coming from the Education Department on the tenure of three year extended to 5 year and in special further one year.